About the GPA
Why do we need a Global Psoriasis Atlas?
The GPA is a long-term project that seeks to drive continuous improvement in the understanding of psoriasis and to uncover how it affects both the individual and society at large.
The GPA is a collaboration between three leading international organisations in world dermatology: International Federation of Psoriasis Associations (IFPA); International League of Dermatological Societies (ILDS); and International Psoriasis Council (IPC)
This reliable resource on psoriasis was first published in 2019 and one of the key aims of the GPA website is to provide detailed, open-access information about the worldwide epidemiology of psoriasis. Our network of specialist dermatologists and international organisations around the world are working together to regularly update the GPA website.
The website contains data on the number of psoriasis cases in adults and children in every country of the world, healthcare data from Latin America and personal accounts of people with psoriasis worldwide.
The GPA four key research focus areas are:

Epidemiology of Psoriasis
Implement regular updates to our large international dataset.
Collaborate with the dermatology workstream of the Global Burden of Disease.
Provide recommendations on the core data to be included in future epidemiological studies of psoriasis.
Conduct new epidemiological studies in selected countries.

Understand and Characterise the Economic Impact of Psoriasis
Conduct and publish an extensive systematic review on the economic burden of psoriasis.
Develop data collection tools to determine the economic impact of psoriasis.
Conduct new studies to identify, and then quantify, the use of healthcare resources, and associated costs to the healthcare system.

Recognising the Comorbid Disease Burden of Psoriasis
Conduct new studies to improve knowledge about the comorbid disease burden of psoriasis with a particular focus on cancer incidence and associated mortality.

Improving the Early Diagnosis of Psoriasis
Conduct a case-control study to examine the extent of misdiagnosis of psoriasis.
Conduct validation studies of our recently developed clinical diagnostic criteria.
Development and feasibility testing of a training tool for psoriasis diagnosis.
‘’The Global Psoriasis Atlas brings together committed and enthusiastic colleagues from around the world who share a mission to understand the epidemiology of psoriasis. The Atlas will provide important data on the true burden of psoriasis and its cost to the individual and to society in each country around the world. In turn these data will be foundational to improve the best care of people with psoriasis, wherever they live, by highlighting unmet needs to health authorities, governments, payers, and regulators.’’
Professor Chris Griffiths, GPA Director

The mission of the GPA is to provide the common benchmark on the burden of psoriasis in all countries and regions throughout the world. The GPA will leverage existing data from publications and registries; where gaps are identified additional studies will be commissioned. The GPA is a long-term project that seeks both to drive continuous improvement in the understanding of psoriasis and uncover how it affects both the individual and society at large.
The vision of the Global Psoriasis Atlas is to become the leading epidemiological resource globally on psoriasis.
Working together with respect and integrity.
Delivering world class research.
Drive improvements in the understanding of the global burden of disease and access to care for psoriasis.